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    Case Studies

    What is Lichen Planus? 

    Lichen Planus is a chronic autoimmune non-contagious condition affecting the skin and mucous membrane. It causes inflammation of the skin cells, thereby leading to flat purplish skin lesions that are itchy and can cause bleeding after scratc.....Read more

    Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis that occurs when the protective tissue at the ends of bones (cartilage) wears down gradually and worsens over time.
    The main joints that are affected are joints of the hands, neck, lower back, knees, and hips.
    Symptoms of Osteoarthritis:
    .....Read more

    74 years aged spinster K. C. (Patient Identification Number - 11924) visited Life-Force on 20th March 2009.

    She was diagnosed with Non Thrombocytic Idiopathic Purpura 2 years ago. She would suffer from thin watery diarrhea 12 – 15 times a day which would last for 2 – 3 days......Read more

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    Why do people favor homeopathy? Dr Rajesh Shah, MD throws light on it

    Role of Homeopathy for Asthma in Children Explained by Dr Shah

    Anxiety Neurosis

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